Bee Advised-It’s National Honeybee Day!

Bee Advised-It’s National Honeybee Day!
Bee Advised National Honey Bee Day

Today is National Honeybee Day! What does that mean, you ask? Well, you are supposed to slip into your best beekeeping outfit and attend syrup slurping parties where you bob for flower stems! Or you could simply opt to donate time or resources to awesome organizations such as:

Why all the Buzz?

Bees are a part of every outdoor experience and no, I do not mean just because they like to sample your picnic or sip your soda with you. In North America alone there are 4000 different species of bees. Each one of these bees plays a vital role in our ecosystem as highly efficient pollinators of our food crops as well as for wild flora. Pollination is a process by which pollinators help plants to produce fruit, and considering this is 1/3 of our food supply, I would say we need to do a better job of protecting these little powerhouses.

Buzz off!

The next time one of these fuzzy insects sends you screaming for the bug spray, consider the impact you are having on the decline of honeybees. Honeybees contribute not only food but other plants that rely on insect pollination—if we were to lose honeybees, we would lose the plants.

Why bees are taking ZZZ’s

Bee colonies have been steadily declining in the last 50 years and many of the usual suspects are at play. Loss of natural habitat is one factor, as humans seem to be reproducing faster than a flea colony and need more space to live. Pesticides are another nasty culprit as they disrupt the sperm count of the male bees and less eggs means less pollinators. Additionally, you have environmental factors such as climate change and natural predators called Varroa Mites. Combine these factors with less beekeepers taking on the trade and you can see why the bees are endangered.

How you can Bee a hero

We now know that bees play a vital role in our ecosystem, so how can you help on this National Honeybee Day? Aside from monetary donations you can do something much more fun to help; plant a bee garden! (Click on the bee garden link above for garden ideas in your panting zone) And if you don’t have a piece of land for a traditional garden you can plant bee friendly flower boxes for your window or have potted plants on your patio. One of my favorite solutions however is the “Bee House” It comes in the shape of a hive and is usually made from bamboo. Bees are attracted to its shape and move in quickly, getting to work on your flowers and keeping the system alive! Grab one from the link below and as always, live clean and save green!

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