Top 10 Date Night Ideas-COVID Style

Top 10 Date Night Ideas-COVID Style

I know that it seems like the COVID pandemic is dragging on an on with no end in sight. Between school closures, job furloughs and cancelled summer plans, it is easy to find yourself in a downward spiral of frustration. To add insult to injury, many of the people chanting “we are all in this together” have 6000 square foot Hampton hideaways and couldn’t fathom months at a time in a regular home. Even so, it’s still important to try and find a sense of normalcy every once and a while. Turn off the television, put away the Lysol, and treat your partner to one of these date night ideas, COVID style!

10. Drive In Movie

Thanks to Aunt Rona smothering everyone, movie theatres are one of the many businesses keeping the curtain closed until further notice. Marketing geniuses will not be caged for long, however, and this has brought back the popularity of the drive-in theatre. If you don’t have one close to you yet, create your own! This awesome little mobile projector from Amazon allows you to hook up your phone to it and cast a movie anywhere there is WIFI! Back your car in the driveway or grab some lawn chairs and watch a movie on your wall…for a lot less money! (Don’t forget the wine)

9. Go Glamping

Glamping is one of those new found fads that combines camping with glamour to achieve the feel of the camping experience with luxury conveniences such as comfortable bedding, portable air conditioners and food that doesn’t taste like summer camp. Get creative! If you have a deck put out your portable bed and stack it high with pillows and blankets just like your favorite hotel would do. Hang up some lights, put on soft music and serve a light dinner that can be easily fed to one another. If you have a tent, that works too, and BONUS no bugs will be getting drunk off your punch.

8.) Order Take Out, and take it out

Most restaurants have started a delivery or a curb side service in order to survive these trying times. What’s great about this is you get more choices than ever before without the added cost of tipping the server or the Maître De. Try themes like seafood by the water, Italian by moonlight or pizza in the park.

7.) Power Down Date

Leave the phones in a drawer and turn off all modern conveniences. Light some candles for aroma and ambience and just enjoy the simple stillness of the world around you. This is a great way to reconnect with your partner without all of the distractions of the tech era. If long conversations are not your thing, play truth or dare or “never have I ever.” Be sure to pick topics that won’t end with a brawl or a breakup!

6.) Throw a Party for Two

Because, why not? Feed each other cake, exchange a few silly gifts, and serve appetizers that each of you made from items in the kitchen. Mix it up with games like pin the tail on the donkey or beer pong. (Check out this super cool LED beer pong set) You could even blind fold one another and try to guess what weird food combinations each of you created.

5.) Board Game Blitz

Choose 3 or 4 of your favorite games and power play them! Play fast, aggressive, and obnoxious for a rush or take it slow while sipping some wine. You could even play video games or virtual reality for an interactive experience.

4.) Moonlit Stroll and Make Believe

Take a walk around your town and pretend like you are a tourist. Talk about the sights, the stores, the people like it’s your first time visiting.  As an alternative, you could stroll around your neighborhood and make up new lives for all your neighbors. Create storylines and take turns adding details like “house 548 is an old lady who fought as a spy in WW2” then your partner adds to it until you have a crazy new world.

3.) Sensual Spa

Turn your bathroom/bedroom into a luxurious spa! Give each other massages on the bed while relaxing music plays then head into the bathroom and soak in the tub or take a soothing shower together. Add rose petals to the bath or shower soothers for an aromatherapy shower.

2.) Stargazing

Take a blanket, a picnic basket and a few pillows to your favorite spot in the yard or any place that is dark enough to lie back and soak up the wonders of the constellations. Take the opportunity to talk about hopes and dreams and remind one another why you fell in love in the first place.

1.) Get Lost!

Hop in the car and take a tour down backroads or places you discover without a GPS. Going down roads you’ve never been down can feel like an adventure, and you never know what hidden gems you might find. Another fun variation is to blindfold one person and see if they can figure out where you are by the surroundings of certain places.

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-Live Clean and Save Green-

7 thoughts on “Top 10 Date Night Ideas-COVID Style

  1. You have so many wonderful ideas. I cannot wait for the weather to be cool enough to take our take-out, out. It was one of my hubby and I’s first dates, so it would be fun to have a remake.

  2. My husband and I got to go to the Drive-Ins this summer for our FIRST adventure outside of the house in months. I like the idea of ordering take out and eating it somewhere outside. 🙂

  3. LOVE our local – well, 45 minutes away – Drive-in but #8 is my fav. Hubby & I randomly pack up paper plates and whatever we need and order curbside to pick up food and sit in the car, hanging out and listening to light music – just in the parking lot. It’s the little things in life that is the most fun.

  4. I did not realize there are so many options for dating. I like the examples of enjoying the simple stillness of the world around and the party the most! 🙂

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